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Association for development and education “Egnatia” Tearce.Has been formed since 2011. The same operates and develops in the region of the municipality of Tearce and the region of Polog.
Preparation of projects and activities on the basis and research which will be realized and functioned by the members of the association as well as experts who will be selected for the respective fields, based on legal and international regulations, opinions of experts and donors, interviews and focus groups of members and volunteers who will work and act in the field and will participate in the preparation and implementation of activities in the coming years.
In the foreground are the creation and establishment of institutional forms, dialogue between women and relevant institutions to raise awareness and improve the role of women in society, the involvement of different ethnic communities in the process of governance and decision-making, equal opportunities for debate mutually acceptable decisions on matters to which you belong that is, they belong to their identity, regardless of whether they are the communities represented in the council or not.
Making decisions in democratic systems will be based on the participation of citizens through the system called “representative democracy”.
Initiation of activities that will enable cooperation and recognition between ethnic communities, gender equality, (protection of women and children’s rights), protection from discrimination, rights, and freedoms of citizens, recognition, and education of women with legal mechanisms and regulations.
Protection of the living environment and social protection of children and other marginalized groups, etc
“Evaluation of policies-programs and budgets from gender and representative perspective” in order to promote gender equality at the local level, through the evaluation of policies and budget of the municipality of Tearce from a gender perspective”.
“Promoting the new anti-discrimination law in the Republic of Northern Macedonia”.
“Integration of the communities of ethnic affiliations: Albanians, Macedonians, Turks, Roma and their representation in the educational process in the municipality of Tearce”. Case Study of municipalities, Tearce, Strumica and Dibra.
“Mentoring program within the project ”Opportunities for professional development for women from the municipality of Tearce”.
“Holding a thematic workshop-preparation of brochures, bodies, opening of a pilot center for children aged 3-5 years, a duration of 3 months with the possibility of extension; organizing tribunes with the parents of the children on the topic: “Oral health care of preschool children”.
“Empowering women and girls to maintain peace and stability”.
“Strategy for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the Municipality of Tearce for 2020 – 2024”.
“Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) – Promoters of dialogue, action, and local policymaking”.
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Center for Research and Policy Making – Network for Gender Responsive Budgeting
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