Development of policy documents and institutionalizing of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB)
Capacity building and training for CSOs on monitoring resilience response and climate change financing
Mentoring and financial support to CSOs to engage with governments for gender transformative use of public finance
Developing the methodology for gender budget watchdogging in climate change and resilience emergency response
Developing monitoring and shadow reports on SDG 5c1 with continuous advocacy
Producing gender responsive citizens budgets
Boosting parliamentary hearings and strengthening advocacy for gender-responsive public financial management using the PEFA framework in Finance Ministries
Monitoring of EU external financing to the project countries
Capacity building
Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) is a strategy that focuses on integrating a gender perspective in government planning and budgeting. It aims to incorporate a perspective on how to improve equality between women and men based on a gender analysis in every stage of planning, programming, and execution of government budgets. Thus, it should not be seen as an additional budget, but as a way of doing better planning and budgeting based on more specific evidence regarding men and women as beneficiaries of policies and budgets.
(28 national + 4 regional); with continuous support and mentoring to all the sub-grantees.
Providing training to coordinators and network members and developing tailored capacity development plans for GBWN members.
“Going Glocal: Gender Responsive Budgeting in the Western Balkans & Moldova, Advancing good governance through empowering CSOs to use GRB tools" with 80+ participants from 20+ countries.
Gender Responsive Budgeting – Beginner and Advanced Module
Gender Budget Analysis
Gender Budget Beneficiary Assessment
Gender Impact Assessment
Gender budget Watchdogging in Climate Change Financing
Advocacy and Lobbying on GRB and Climate Change
Monitoring Resilience Response
Preparation of GRB Monitoring Reports
Online Community Forums
Role of the Civil Society in the Budget Cycle
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Center for Research and Policy Making – Network for Gender Responsive Budgeting
With funding from
Can be utilized for all who are interested to learn about use of GRB in their work in monitoring public policies and public finance. The training consists of two modules and its’ content includes: Gender mainstreaming, Definition and key concepts in GRB, Tools and approaches in GRB, The roles of different actors, Entry points for GRB in the budget process, Budget classifications and approaches to GRB and Gender analysis.
Once completed the attendants of the course will know what is GRB and what it is not, what is the purpose of GRB and how it is linked to gender mainstreaming and achieving of gender equality. In addition they will have information about different tools for applying GRB and various examples of GRB initiatives and programs. And finally will be able to conduct basic gender analysis and contribute to gender responsive budgets development.
Course two, about Gender budget analysis, is focused on gender budget analysis as the key tool for Gender responsible budgeting (GRB) and provides introduction in GRB as a gender mainstreaming tool. The course consist of: lessons for definition of budget and budget system elaborating budget and the budget procedure; lessons for public finance management cycle, gender-responsive budgeting, what it is and what it means, budget classifications, budget formats and the most important budget tools for GRB; Tools for gender analyzing budget expenditures; Tools for analyzing budget revenues.
Once completed the attendants of the course will have elementary knowledge related to budget and budget procedure; provides a brief introduction to the public finance management cycle, defines GRB, what it is and what it means. The participants will be able to elaborate tools for gender analyzing budget expenditures, key gender issues in taxation and public revenues and understand how public revenues and public expenditures are related.
Course three, Gender budget end user analysis tools is focused on the concept of cost effectiveness as calculation tool for gender budget end user analysis and impact on them. The tool presented in this module, beside the value of determining cost through calculation and building strong evidence for advocacy purposes, it provides inventory of tools and approaches for analytical thinking and critical reasoning what was the objective, what has been achieved and how efficient and effective was done. Who are the intended benefiters and who are the actual.
The modules have detail guidelines for applying the calculation by using the cost-effectiveness tools practical showcases for the elements and use of them.
Once this module is finished the attendants can get acquainted with different types of gender budget end user analysis; will learn how to implement methodologies for analysis; will better understand the concepts of the end user impact analysis. In addition, they will present the cost effectiveness analysis and SROI analysis as a concept and practical implementation guidelines; Will be able to: bring examples and general rules how to determine the cost and methods of calculation; to determine the effects and benefits in measurable units and methods of calculation; to understand what the cost effectiveness ratio means and how to interpret the result and to understand what Social return of Investment shows and how to interpret the final result of the analysis.
Course four, Gender and Climate change is revealing the connection between climate change and gender as complex and dynamic, and at the same time as dependent on the contextual social arrangement and economic development of the state.
With this course the participants will be able to better understand the concepts of climate change, mitigation and adaptation measures. In addition, they will recognize Gender aspect of Climate change and inclusion of gender in the policies for Climate change The course offers possibility for learners to get familiar about Green Climate Fund (GCF) climate finance catalyser. The lessons provide information about the application for financing of climate change projects in front of GCF and information about the National Designated Authority in each country. At the end of the course the participants will get acquainted with monitoring the climate change financing from gender perspective.
Course five, Gender impact assessment is focused on gender mainstreaming as a strategy, and gender impact assessment (GIA) as a tool within gender mainstreaming, specifically focused on budget assessments. This module includes clear definitions and distinctions between GIA and other gender mainstreaming tools, as well as the unique aspects of applying GIA to budgets. More specifically the course teaches participants about GIA definition and approaches, main elements and steps in GIA, how can be GIA used in order to assess impact of the budget allocation and budget as a policy instrument on the gender equality, and finally answers on who, when, and how can use GIA.
Once completed, the attendants will be able to recognize the significance of gender impact assessments in budgeting and will be aware of the process of conducting a gender impact assessment on a national or sectoral budget. They will be also informed about the potential actions that civil society organizations can undertake and how to utilise GIA findings for and in advocacy for gender equality.
Course six, Advocacy and lobbying on GRB and Climate Change will provide participants with knowledge on Definition and understanding of Advocacy and Lobbying, and Tools for presenting, persuading and convincing. The course provides learning on how to organize efforts, argumentation and partnerships to become convincing presenters who can adapt to the audience. As communication is the key for advocacy and lobbying, effective communication learning is part of the course in one of the lessons. Finally, the course provides knowledge of how to use watchdog findings for policy change.
Course seven, Gender impact of crises, emergency and resilience funding aims to build capacities of CSOs to understand crises, emergency and resilience funding, and learn about a monitoring framework of finance for crises, emergency, and resilience from a gender perspective as well as address gender impact of the crises, emergency and resilience funding in their societies. More detailed it provides learners with introduction to main concepts for budgeting for crises, emergency and resilience response; Monitoring framework for CSOs watchdogging the crises, emergency and resilience response funding from gender perspective; and Advocacy for improved CSO participation in design of measures and distribution of funding for crises, emergency and resilience.
The course makes participants able to understand the concepts of budgeting for crises, emergencies and resilience. Once finished the learner is able to describe the conceptual framework for monitoring crises, emergencies and resilience financing from a gender perspective. The course develops skills for assessing gender impact of crises, emergency and resilience funding. It also makes the learners familiar with the ways to improve participation of CSOs in designing the measures and distribution of funding for crises, emergency and resilience response.
Course eight, Preparation of Gender Responsive Monitoring Reports is structured to provide knowledge about monitoring and evaluation, their purpose and difference between them. In addition, it focuses on gender statistics, indicators and processes for data collection. The course’s aim is to provide an overview of different tools of gender responsive budgeting, the main strengths and weaknesses for each of the tools, and how to use them (identifying which tools can be used for specific budget analysis purposes). The Preparation of gender responsive monitoring reports that thoroughly outline the monitoring process of gender responsive budgeting is taught in the last lecture of the course.
Once finished, the course provides the participants with the ability to better understand the concepts of monitoring and evaluation of local policies. In addition, it opens the possibility to know tools for data collection, creation of gender statistics and indicators. The usage of gender responsive budgeting tools and preparation of gender responsive monitoring reports are also learning outcomes of this course.
Course nine, Online Community Forums has been developed in the project “Through gender lenses: apprising budgets and policies; watchdogging local action plans for gender equality implementation”), implemented by the Center for Research and Policy Making, Journalists for Human Rights, Rural Coalition, Luludi and EHO Stip. The project is funded by the European Union through the program Support to Civil Society Networks and Platforms in the Republic of North Macedonia.
During this course, we will explore the pivotal role municipalities play in socio-economic development and the significance of participatory decision-making. We will also delve into how Online Community Forums can be effectively integrated into municipal work. The course provides participants with comprehensive overview of a customized methodology designed to maintain Community Forums online and learning about essential steps for organizing successful online forums, including effective moderation, stakeholder division, and implementing inclusivity measures.
The course also provides insights into adapted steps for conducting online Community Forums with a focus on health and safety measures. More precisely how these adapted steps meet the criteria for forum implementation while protecting the health of citizens and municipal administration. Additional resources to help learners in implementation of effective online forums are provided. Emphasis is put on the importance of engaging all citizen categories, particularly marginalized communities, in these forums. This approach ensures that every voice is heard and considered in the decision-making process.