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The Gender-Centre is a research and training NGO, with a team of professionally trained members in different areas focusing on gender and development issues. It has been operating since 1998 and registered as an NGO in February 2000,
Main activities covered gender mainstreaming, non-discrimination and anti-violence, awareness rising and advocating for gender equality in different sectors etc.
Gender-Center ‘experts contributed to elaboration and advocacy of many documents in the Republic of Moldova: Gender Equality Law, Domestic Violence Law, National Human Rights Action Plan/ Chapter on Women Human Rights, National Plan of Action for equality between women and men 2006-2009, National Programme on Ensuring of Gender Equality (2010-2015), Law No. 71 of 14.04.2016 on amending and supplementing certain legal acts, Law No. 96 from 28.07.2016 on amending and supplementing certain legal acts.
Gender-Centru is very active at national and regional levels in the area of gender equality promotion. Its accomplishments include more than 30 projects implemented: Consultancy services to support LPAs in strengthening their capacities related to HRBA&GE /UNWomen JILDP (2010-2011, UNWomen); Designing, organizing and conducting workshops for women running for Local Elections on 5th of June 2011 (2011, UNDP); The regional Project “Fit for Fair – Global Learning for Decent Work.” (2013-2015/including Romania, UK, Slovak, Austria, Bulgaria/UE support); “Professional expertise to Mainstreaming gender considerations and gender equality in UNDP Moldova strategic planning, programming and operations” (2016-2017, UNDP Moldova); „Gender Equality – precondition of participative democracy development in Moldova” (support women in local elections) (May-December 2015), East European Foundation/ Program “Women in politics” UN Women/UNDP/CPD/EEF); Promoting of Gender Equality and antiviolence: Evaluation of implementation of the National Programme on Ensuring Gender Equality, public lectures on gender, trainings on Domestic violence (2015-2016, OSCE Mission to Moldova); Project: “Police Development Strategy for the Years 2016-2020, (A1.2 Increasing Women’s Participation in the Police)”. Ministry of Internal Affairs with EU support, 2017-2018/ Gender analysis of normative framework, gender training; Project “Realization of fundamental human rights of older women in Moldova” for 2018-2019, Help Age/Gender-Center, with cu support of UN Trust Fund; Project ”Local, National and Regional Strategies to Improve the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine”/ Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP)/ADA Austria, 2017-2018/ 2020-2021/ Gender assessment of peacebuilding initiatives; Implementation of the MHLSP Grant for organizing actions involving local public authorities in promoting active aging, 2018-2019; Project Women2030 in partnership with Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) (2017-2019)/Gender Assessment, Shadow Report on Agenda 2030 implementation, public consultations); Project “Gender Equality Seal in Public Institutions Independent Appraisal” (2018, UNDP Moldova); Project “Balanced participation in Decision Making” towards the realization of UN Women Moldova Strategic Note (2018-2019)/ Sweden Embassy support etc.
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Center for Research and Policy Making – Network for Gender Responsive Budgeting
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