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The NGO SPES is a non-governmental organization.The residence of the association is in Podgorica.The work of the association is public.
The publicity of the work of the association is achieved through press releases, publication of the annual financial report and other data relevant to the work of the association, on the website of the association.The goals of the Association are:
• Implementation of activities aimed at the development and consolidation of democratic ideas that affirm democracy, solidarity, human rights, cultural development and social justice;
• Promoting and applying the concept of sustainable development as a necessary condition for harmonious and comprehensive development of the whole society;
• Effective implementation of public policies and international commitments in the areas of protection of human rights and freedoms, european integration and the fight against corruption;
• Improving the effectiveness of the implementation of public policies, especially those related to gender equality and women’s human rights;
• Involving and empowering women to participate in social, political and economic processes;
• Peace and security and creation of conditions and atmosphere of democratic, political and cultural dialogue that contribute to them.
The organization mostly worked on projects in the field of women’s empowerment for political participation, application of R1325, gender aspect of culture and economic empowerment of women …
Realized seminars with members of the RE population on their political empowerment, initiated the development of the first action plan for the implementation of resolution R1325 in Montenegro, published magazines “Second letter”, EU project “Rise of a woman” …
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Center for Research and Policy Making – Network for Gender Responsive Budgeting
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