• Natasha Dokovska

  • CRPM
  • Macedonia
  • 1
  • Target Groups

  • Ministry of finance and economy

  • Main Activities

  • The first stage is mapping the problem
    The second phase is research and analysis of the problem
    The third stage is advocacy for the implementation of the recommendations.
    The first phase envisages the following activities:
    – price information and tax rate on menstrual health products
    – comparison with other countries

  • Short Description

  • In the Republic of Northern Macedonia, the percentage of girls who do not go to school
    during their menstruation in rural areas is 90%, while in
    urban areas is 75%. Inadequate management conditions
    Menstrual hygiene in schools and the high cost of products are the most common
    reason why girls do not go to school. Students miss 2 to 5
    days of the educational process in the month showed the study conducted by NGOs
    “Human Rights Journalists.” But 15% of women do not use any means
    for MHZ due to lack of opportunity to buy them.
    Our aim is to make it accessible to every woman.

  • Achieved or to be Achieved Results

  • Reduction of the tax rate from 18% to 5% of the funds for menstruation

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