• Gender based analysis of policy aimed to advance accessibility of PwD

  • ADA and SIDA
  • Republic of Moldova
  • 10 moths
  • Target Groups

  • • Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection – the focal point responsible for the implementation of the CRPD
    • Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure – the authority responsible for development of the comprehensive national accessibility program and/or plan to identify and eliminate all existing barriers to accessibility.
    • Civil society organization that promote rights of the persons with disabilities, including active woman ‘platforms.

  • Main Activities

  • • Desk review of the policies that contain special provisions on accessibility
    • Consultation of the recommendations with persons with disabilities and the organizations that promote their rights and interests, and development of recommendations;
    • Issue recommendations to the government to advance the development of national plan/program on accessibility taking into account disability rights approach and gender equality.
    • Organize a press conference to present the results of the watchdog report
    • Develop and submit position letters / petitions to authorities based on report findings,
    • Promote the watchdog report findings through AOPD web and FB pages.
    • Monitoring the actions and the measures undertaken by the authorities because of the advocacy activities.

  • Short Description

  • Persons with disabilities face significant difficulties with: (i) accessing mainstream and specialized services (healthcare, education, housing, social services), (ii) participating in labor market, (iii) participating in decision making, (iv) political decision making etc. Women with disabilities face significantly more difficulties, and are at a higher risk of discrimination, exclusion and institutionalization.
    One of the reasons of weak participation of persons with disabilities is lack of access to the physical environment, transportation, services, information and communications systems, and to other facilities and services available to the general public. Accessibility is necessary for persons with disabilities to live independently, to actively participate in society, and to have unrestricted enjoyment of all rights on an equal basis with others.
    Accessibility is not only an issue of disability; it is a precondition for quality life of other people whose life is linked to persons with disabilities. In this regard, those who assume the care burden are mothers/women, helping persons with disabilities to access public infrastructure. In addition, women with toddlers using baby carriage and elderly persons (with women prevailing in this age) are almost disproportionately affected by lack of accessibility.
    For this matter, inclusive legislation, policies, programs, and services should be implemented. Accessibility as cross-sectorial pre-condition cannot be effectively implemented without compliant financial planning, regulation, and support for the extra costs to ensure reasonable accommodation and universal design. The challenges of the government to the implementation of the above mentioned are the (week) connection between policies and allocation of resources to cover the costs of disability and gender inclusion.
    Within the proposal, AOPD intends to conduct a gender-based analysis from the perspective of disability rights to legal framework related to accessibility and provide recommendations to government to advance implementation of the article 9 of Convention on the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Sustainable Development Goal 11 Sustainable cities and communities.

  • Achieved or to be Achieved Results

  • • Report on gender-based policy analysis related to accessibility of persons with disabilities
    • Recommendations for the government to advance the development of national plan/program on accessibility taking into account disability rights approach and gender equality
    • Implemented Advocacy Strategy to advance accessibility in line with art. 9 of the CRPD and SDG 11

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