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  • Civil Society Development Center (CSDC) Durres

  • 03/25/2004
  • 1
  • Albania/Durres Municipality
  • Short Description of the Organization

  • CSDC Durres promotes and supports civil society development in the Durres region by supporting, mobilizing and bringing together the most important actors from civil society and local government. CSDC is very effective in the coordination and the empowerment of the civil society organizations and actors in the Durres region focusing on youth and gender equality.From many years of experience CSDC has impacted civil society organization and has successfully promoted collaboration, activism and networking of civil society organizations and local government. In addition to strengthening the existing civil society groups, the center also encourages and supports the creation of new organizations and community groups.

  • Short Description of Implemented Projects and Achieved Results

  • Advanced accountability of Municipality of Durres and their representatives in relation to gender equality;
    The advanced effectiveness of policies and programs, requiring them to need assistance, have made up for published expenditures;
    Advanced management principles which include the allocation of resources and the use of populations in a fair, equitable, efficient and control manner,
    Advanced transparency for government authorities, monitoring the distribution of funds and the way they are spent.

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