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  • Initiative of Youth with Disabilities of Boka

  • 05/29/2019
  • 6 months
  • Montenegro
  • Short Description of the Organization

  • „The Initiative of Youth with Disabilities of Boka“ is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, which unites and is open to all children, youth and adults with all types of disablement willing to join it of their own accord, as well as other
    citizens who are concerned with improving the status of these persons in the society. Our work is based on a human-rights approach to disability.

  • Short Description of Implemented Projects and Achieved Results

  • So far, we have implemented two projects:
    • Independent and active persons with disabilities
    The project started in May 2020. and lasted until October 2020. The overall goal of the project was: ’’To contribute to increase of social inclusion of persons with disabilities (PWDs) and economic growth in Montenegro, through employment of unemployed persons on jobs related to providing personal assistance and other support to PWDs.’’. Within this project, personal assistance and other types of support were provided for 15 youth with disabilities, in order to enable them to fulfil their basic everyday needs and to engage more in social life and to become more included in disability rights movement.
    • Women and girls with disabilities for their equality
    The project started in August 2019. and lasted until February 2021. The specific aim of the project was: “To initiate data based action planning by relevant stakeholders and to empower women and girls with disabilities and members of their families to work on the solutions of issues of this group.”. The achieved results were: collected data about multiple discrimination and violence against women and girls with disabilities and support needed for them and their families, strengthen activism of women and girls with disabilities and members of their families for their rights and raised awareness about their issues.

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