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  • EcHO Educational Humanitarian Organization

  • 04/07/2003
  • 5
  • North Macedonia
  • Short Description of the Organization

  • EcHO Educational applies the integrated approach to promoting gender equality and human rights and encourages active citizen participation in policymaking.

  • Short Description of Implemented Projects and Achieved Results

  • EcHO so far has been realized over 70 projects in the area of gender equality, Violence against women, good governance, and gender-responsive budgeting.
    These are the projects that we have realized in the last three years:
    1. “Monitoring the principles of public administration in preserving the values of good governance”
    The project was focused on setting up monitoring indicators for good governance at the local level, with the adoption of the European Union guidelines, i.e. SIGMA standards.
    – A new framework of standards and indicators for local monitoring have been established, which will be further used to monitor the work of Local governments.
    -Prepared 5 quarterly reports from the monitoring of Good Governance Standards in the local
    self-government units in the areas of :
    – Development and coordination of policies and strategies;
    – Public service and human resource management;
    – Transparency and accountability;
    – Provision of services;
    – Management of municipal finances.
    -A study case analyse was prepared on the topic: Gender responsible budgeting in Stip Muicipality
    2. “Network for Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in Public Procurement”
    The main goal of the project was to assess the level of transparency, accountability and integrity in the implementation of public procurement by the municipalities of the Vardar planning region, through research to assess the transparency, accountability and integrity in the implementation of public procurement of all municipalities in the Vardar planning region for 2017 and 2018, as well as introducing to the local community to the situation with public procurement in order to improve them.
    The ultimate results of the project were analyses for transparency, accountability and integrity in the implementation of the public procurement in the Vardar Planning Region and improved the overall process of public procurement at the local level, ie beyond the procedures covered in legislation.
    3.”Guardian of the public bag for gender-responsible budget “
    The objectives of the activity were strengthening the capacity of CSOs to monitor municipal budgets and to prepare gender responsive analyzes, bigger inclusion of women and marginalized groups in creating local budgets and greater transparency of budget processes
    Main results:
    -Conducted monitoring and analysis of the budget process of the municipality of Stip;
    -Preparation of an analysis of the municipality’s practices regarding the budget process and budget preparation;
    -Delivered recommendations for improving the budgeting process of the LSGU;
    -Prepared analysis and gender budget initiative “Gender responsible budgeting to support an integrative approach of the essential services for women and girls – victims of violence” for the municipality of Stip.
    -Improved efficiency in public spending by the municipality
    4.”Applying of a model for integrated approach to essential services for women and girls victims of violence. “
    The main goal of the project was to introduce, establish, promote and put into operation model for integrated access to general and specialized support services and protection of women and girls who have survived violence, including domestic violence, following the standards set out in CEDAW, the Istanbul Convention, global UN standards and UN guidelines for essential services.
    The main results:
    -Established two Multi –sectoral teams and Coordinative Centres for Integrated Approach for Protection of women and girls victims of violence in the municipalities of Stip and Strumica;-Prepared mapping document of existing services; -Prepared Model for integrated approach for essential services;
    -Translated on Macedonian language six modules by UN Agencies within the Package of Essential Services for Women and Girls exposed to violence;-Provided services to 201 women and girls victims of violence
    -Provided 46 Court representations to women and girls victims of violence.
    5.”Leading the visionaries to create waves of change for gender equality”
    The overall goal of the project was to contribute to national policies in harmonizing Macedonian legislation in the field of protection from gender-based violence with standards set out in the Istanbul Convention; strengthening the capacity of members of Multisectoral Teams for Effective Protection of Women and girls of all kinds of violence, as well as providing financial sustainability of the the organization trough economic activities
    The main results:
    -Prepared public policy paper and recommendations for improving legislation in the field of protection of violence against women;
    -Sterenghtened capacities for gender sensitization of institutions -members of the two Multisectoral Community Teams for Effective Protection of Women and Girls from any type of violence;
    -Strengthened twenty participants at three fitness camps for supporting women’s visionaries to create waves of change for gender equality.
    6.”Access to justice in Macedonia/2017″
    Project goal: to contribute to the improvement of the protection system of human rights in the country by strengthening and advancing the system of free legal aid and detection of its weaknesses. In that direction, the project provided support to NGOs in providing prior free legal aid and professional and independent analysis of implementation of the Law on Free Legal Aid. The main activities of the project were: building the capacity of non-governmental organizations in providing free (prior) legal aid; legal aid in case of rejected requests for free legal aid; implementation monitoring of the Law on Free Legal Aid; monitoring of court cases in which were hired lawyers who offer free legal aid; developing a strategy for advocacy for the improvement of the Law on Free Legal Aid and raising public awareness for free legal aid.
    Main results:
    -The proposal for amendments to the Law on Free Legal Aid has been prepared, especially in the part that refers to the legal protection of victims of domestic violence;
    -4 legal sessions were held for legal literacy of the citizens for rights in the field of social protection, labor relations and protection from domestic violence with over 70 participants.
    -5Court hearings in which free legal aid was approved were monitored.
    -12 reports of systemic deficiencies were prepared, on the basis of which the partner associations prepared a Public Policy Document entitled “Urgent changes are needed to the entire system of free legal aid.
    7.”Access to justice in Macedonia/2018″
    The overall goal of the project was to contribute to the improvement of the protection system of human rights in the country by increasing awareness and knowledge of citizens for free legal aid and adjustment of authorized associations as one of the relevant stakeholders, towards the novelties in the system of free legal aid.

    Main results:
    – Free legal aid was provided in a total of 205 cases;
    – Revised Standards and Rules for Associations Providing previous
    legal aid;
    -Prepared citizen-friendly Instruction for FLA applicants;
    -Continuous information and educational campaign on social networks for promotion of FLA law
    8.”Let’s create waves of changes for Gender Equality”
    The objectives of the project were focused on strengthening the multispectral cooperation, strengthening the capacities of general and specialized service providers to apply the model of Integrated approach in providing essential services to women and girls exposed to violence, expanding the network of gender sensitive lawyers and the network of CSO-s specialized services for women and girls. In parallel of these objectives , to strengthened the capacity of organization on strategic level.
    Main results:
    -Multi-sectoral integrated response provided to 103 cases of violence against women and girls;
    -Ensured Continuous Functioning of Integrated Access Coordination Centers within
    EcHO in Stip and Strumica;
    -Prepared Action Plan for Multisectoral teams for effective protection of women and girls exposed to violence;
    -Extended network of gender-sensitive lawyers associates of the organization;
    -Prepared new Strategic plan of the organization;
    – Transferred good practices from multisectoral cooperation to other specialized service providers in the country
    9.”Access to justice in Macedonia/2019″
    The main goal of the project was to contribute in improving the country’s human rights protection system by increasing awareness and knowledge of citizens for the new Law on free legal aid and provision of services in accordance with the new law, while monitoring its functionality in practice.
    Significant results:
    – Free legal aid was provided to citizens in a total of 187 cases in the form of general legal information, initial legal advice and general legal advice, and additional requests for free legal aid were prepared and completed;
    – Two short informative videos about the right to FLA and its realization have been created and published.
    – Conducted a campaign on social networks to increase public awareness with short videos and informative content;
    – A press conference was held for the regional, local and national media
    – Prepared and printed information flyers for FLA
    -Three open information days were held for the citizens
    – A panel discussion was held on the topic “The new Law on Free Legal Aid – Improving Access to Justice through New System Solutions”, intended for registered lawyers and other members of the local bar community, as well as for the local branch office of the Ministry of Justice, representatives of the Municipality of Stip and local institutions.
    – A workshop was held with civic associations for the novelties in the FLA system and their capacities were strengthened.

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