The goal of this public debate is to raise awareness, inform, and promote understanding of human rights protection and environmental protection in global supply chains, as well as to discuss relevant international legislation and practices. This initiative is carried out as part of the “Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS)” project, implemented by GIZ in Serbia, as part of broader efforts to ensure the effective and active participation of institutions, trade unions, civil society, the business community, and other stakeholders.
The roundtable was held on January 16, 2025, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM in Valjevo, Knez Mihailova Street No. 1, and via the Zoom platform.
The roundtable brought together representatives of the business community, local government, trade unions, academia, and civil society organizations to jointly explore opportunities for enhancing the protection of labor rights, human rights, and the environment, applying the principles of responsible business conduct and collaboration among stakeholders.
Discussions included the obligations and needs of companies in safeguarding ecological and labor standards, the role of trade unions and civil society organizations in addressing issues, and the importance of the local community as a partner in building sustainable communities and preserving the environment.
Gordana Savić from the Užice Center for Human Rights and Democracy, a grant recipient under “Strengthening Transparency and Accountability for Gender Equality in the Western Balkans and Moldova” (Gender Budget Watchdog Network, Phase II), was one of the panelists at this important roundtable. Also, Dragana Srećkov, the representative of the Gender Knowledge Hub, an organization that is part of the consortium for the project “Strengthening Transparency and Accountability for Gender Equality in the Western Balkans and Moldova” (Gender Budget Watchdog Network, Phase II), attended the roundtable over the zoom platform.
The roundtable fostered an open and constructive dialogue among relevant actors, aiming to exchange opinions and experiences, and to increase awareness and knowledge of this crucial topic. A solid understanding, cooperation, and partnership among stakeholders are essential for improving due diligence related to human rights, environmental protection, and responsible business practices in Serbia.
The Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS) project is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the German organization for international cooperation Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
The opening session featured key remarks by Sanela Bahtijarević (GIZ), Nataša Vučković (Center for Democracy Foundation), Jovan Protić (International Labour Organization), Tanja Lindell (Serbian Chamber of Commerce), Miloš Miljković (UGS Nezavisnost), and Miroslav Pimić (City Administration of Valjevo). Journalist Suzana Trninić moderated the session.
The panel discussion focused on the perspectives and potential for collaboration among businesses, local governments, civil society organizations, trade unions, and academia in protecting the environment and preserving human rights. Panelists included:
- Miroslav Pimić, City Administration of Valjevo
- Vladimir Radosavljević, Civil Society Organization iRevolucija
- Gordana Savić, Užice Center for Human Rights and Democracy (a grant recipient under the GBWN 2 project)
- Jelena Ćirić, Independent Trade Union of the City Administration of Valjevo
- Ognjen Adamović and Rada Tomić, Bizerba
- Sanja Stojilković, Urban-Technics LLC (TBC)
The panel explored companies’ obligations in maintaining ecological and labor standards, the role of civil society and trade unions in resolving challenges, and the importance of local communities as partners in building sustainable practices.
A lively discussion session followed, allowing participants to exchange ideas and insights on the roles of various actors in addressing these challenges collaboratively.
The event concluded with closing remarks from Sanela Bahtijarević (GIZ) and Nataša Vučković (Center for Democracy Foundation), emphasizing the need for ongoing dialogue and partnership to advance sustainability and human rights.
This roundtable represents a significant step in fostering cooperation and awareness on critical global issues, promoting collective responsibility, and advancing sustainable development goals in Serbia.