Gender Equality and Climate Change Webinar

We are pleased to invite you to a Gender Budget Watchdog Network webinar on the topic of Gender Equality and Climate Change. The webinar will be held on July 13 in the period from 10 AM to 2 PM (CEST) via Zoom platform. The webinar aims at: Increase understanding of linkages between gender equality, gender transformative actions and climate change response -Discuss […]

Presentation of a Gender Budget Watchdog Network Report

The Center for Civil Society Promotion (CCSP) is organizing a presentation of the report titled “Gender Fiscal Analysis of the Budget Response to COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. The report was created as an activity within the Gender Budget Watchdog Network project. The presentation will take place on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, starting at 10 AM via Zoom platform. How […]

CCSP Organized an Online Discussion On the Topic of Women’s Leadership Stereotypes

On March 12, as a part of the International Women’s Day campaign, the Centre for Civil Society Promotion organized an online discussion on the topic of Women’s Leadership Stereotypes via Zoom. The moderator of the mentioned discussion was Amel Petrović, while the project manager of Gender Budget Watchdog Network project, Mersiha Jaskić, made a short […]

Second edition of the GBWN Newsletter

The second Newsletter of the Gender Budget Watchdog Network has just been published. See here what we have done in the past to bring the concept of gender responsive budgeting closer to decision makers and the expert public.

CRPM presented the gender – fiscal analysis “Dealing with COVID- 19: How does public spending affect gender equality?”

The Center for Research and Policy Making within the project “Gender Budget Watchdog Network in the Western Balkans and Republic of Moldova”, financially supported by the Austrian Development Agency and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, on 25th of February 2021, presented the  gender fiscal analysis entitled “Dealing with COVID- 19: How does public spending […]

Three Bosnian-Herzegovinian Sub grantees officially Sign the Contract with the Local GBWN Hub managed by Centre for Civil Society Promotion

On December 29th 2020, three Bosnian-Herzegovinian sub-grantees signed the contract with the local Gender Budget Watchdog Network hub – Centre for Civil Society Promotion. In an online event, the grantees signed the contracts and the implementation of their activities officially started. The CCSP staff introduced them to the main goals of the project in general, […]