Commencing close collaboration between GBWN and International Criminal Court

On Friday, 17th of June 2022, the regional director of Gender Budget Watchdog Network – Marija Risteska met with the Head of Budget at the ICC Register Office Osvaldo Zavala-Giler and discussed the use of GRB tools in the budgeting for the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague. Risteska also took part in an […]

The tenth GBWN newsletter is right here

This newsletter evidences the GBWN efforts to network with other networks and learn and exchange experiences from relevant feminist initiatives in Europe using gender approaches in public finance and taxation. In the same time the newsletter depicts GBWN activities to enhance networking among members of the network. Dive in reading here.  

Job Opportunity: Expert for the Development of GBWN

TERMS OF REFERENCE EXPERT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENDER BUDGET WATCHDOG NETWORK BackgroundThe Gender Budget Watchdog Network (GBWN) is a regional network that seeks to further gender-responsive budgeting in the Western Balkans and the Republic of Moldova, towards more efficient, effective, transparent, and just use of resources that benefit diverse women and men. The […]

Ninth newsletter – GBWN’s granting scheme results at glance

There is no better feeling than noting how efforts put in the last 10 months affect policies and budgets in Western Balkans and Republic of Moldova, both on national and local level. The ninth newsletter evidences all the successes of the advocacy work of the Gender Budget Watchdog Network members. Free menstrual products, available toilets […]

Regional Conference for Women Entrepreneurs in the Western Balkans

This morning we participated at the Regional Conference for Women Entrepreneurs in the Western Balkans titled ‘’Women who Launch” that took place in Tirana in hybrid mode. Marija Risteska, the Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Research and Policy Making and the Regional Director of the Gender Budget Watchdog Network, contributed to the […]

17th session of the Gender Equality Committee in the Montenegrin Parliament with contribution from GBWN partner Women’s Action

At today’s thematic session, the Gender Equality Committee discussed gender-responsive budgeting in Montenegro and the role of the State Audit Institution.  During the 17th session, the foreseen activities that need to be implemented in the upcoming period were discussed, in order to strengthen the process of monitoring the implementation of the budget.  The session was […]

Three New Sub-grantees of Gender Budget Watchdog Network

Today, the Centre for Civil Society Promotion signed contracts with three new sub-granting organizations of the Gender Budget Watchdog Network. The work of the CCSP, as well as the Network, was presented at the online event, along with the instructions for a successful project implementation of the sub-grantees. Contracts were signed with the Association Naš […]

Different Approaches for Gender Responsive Budgets in 2022 – Eighth GBWN Newsletter

In the latest GBWN Newsletter edition we inform you about the different approaches through which our network influenced the informed the debates on inclusion of the gender component in the budgeting process in the Western Balkans and the Republic of Moldova. Public policy documents, participation in parliamentary committees on gender equality and finances and budgeting, […]