Our evaluation team has evaluated the 94 received grant applications (for both national and regional level) and we are thrilled to end the week with the announcement of grant recipients!
We are excited to start the journey of new local, national, and regional initiatives for promotion of resilience response and gender responsive budgeting in the Western Balkans and Moldova with the following organizations:
Forumi i Gruas Elbasan
Albanian Center for Population and Development
Bosnia and Herzegovina:
TPO Foundation
Udruženje žena Maja Kravica
Ecokoswomen EKW
MWAHR – Mitrovica Women Association for Human Rights
Asociatia pentru Drepturile Omului Lex XXI
Initiative of Youth with Disabilities of Boka – I MI Boke
NVO Mozaik Nikšić
N. Macedonia
Центар за истражувања и анализи НОВУС / Center for research and analysis NOVUS
Udruženje Roma Novi Bečej
Žensko udruženje kolubarskog okruga
As for the regional grants, we are happy to welcome the two following consortiums from the region which will implement projects together:
1. Udruženje žena Priroda Bratunac (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Bečejsko Udruženje Mladih (Serbia), and Journalists for human rights – JHR (N. Macedonia)
2. National Council for Gender Equality Macedonia (N. Macedonia), PROTECTA (Serbia), and Centar za ljudska prava ImpAct / Center for Human Rights ImpAct (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Welcome to GBWN!