GBWN is looking for team of two experts to deliver training in Gender Responsive Budgeting and Climate Change financing.

Gender Budget Watchdog Network (GBWN) has Public Call for Capacity Building and Sub-Granting in Gender Responsive Budgeting and Climate Change Financing by the Gender Budget Watchdog Network from N. Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and Moldova.  

In the frame of the public call there are foreseen online and face to face trainings as part of the application process for sub granting. The face to face training is part of the application process.  The knowledge gained through the trainings should be used by applicants to develop a full project proposal with tailored assistance (mentoring guidance) from gender budgeting and climate finance experts and mentors from GBWN. 

The applicants of the sub-granting scheme have to relate application to gender-responsive budgeting and climate change financing, including gender analysis to inform expenditures, monitoring expenditures using gender impact analysis, or using other GRB tools. Potential issues that projects may focus on may be, but not necessarily limited to: 

The hired experts should prepare the “GRB and climate change financing” training in line with the above-mentioned financial mechanisms and forms of GRB and Climate Change financing. The tools and the methodology of the proposed training concept should include examples and case studies for funded projects (i.e Scaling up climate resilient flood risk management in Bosnia and Herzegovina).  

The experts should prepare training materials which will consist of PPTs, interactive learning tools, tests for successful finalization of the sections or whole training module, and lists with additional literature.  

The experts will be engaged for five working days in the period from 1st of August 2024 to 15th October 2024. Distribution of the working days will be in the following way: 

Please consult the Terms of Reference for more details on the tasks and duties, as well as the necessary qualifications to be eligible candidate for this assignment.