Center for Research and Policy Making team engaged in the project Gender Budget Watchdog Network он 16th of November met with representatives of the Ministry of Finance from the respective units on macroeconomics and budgeting, as well as from the advisory cabinet. At the meeting, we presented the proposals in order to improve the fulfillment of the 5.C.1 indicator in the country from the Global Goals for Sustainable Development:
➡ Include information on gender equality in the adoption of the budget, for example in the pre-budget statement of the Minister of Finance, in the minister’s exposé in the Parliament during the presentation of the budget, in the discussion of the proposed budget in the Committee on Finance and Budget or at the plenary session budget;
➡ To publish fiscal reports that will present the outcome of the implementation of the programs and the budget intended for the promotion of gender equality (as the gender budget initiatives are published on the website of the Ministry of Finance), i.e. Report on the execution of the gender responsive budget;
➡ Fully harmonize the public financial management system with program budgeting and abandoning current line budgeting as well as specific regulation on gender responsive budgeting;
➡ Develop an information system that will enable categorization of the inflows and expenditures and thus recognize gender expenditures;
CRPM in the next period continues to advocate for a more gender sensitive budget, this time in the Macedonian Parliament with representatives of the respective Committee for Equal Opportunities and the Committee on Finance and Budget.