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Comunitati in Actiune is a well-reckognized NGO that represents the Women Democracy Network Moldova chapter (
and is a platform that promotes the principles of gender equity, inclusion, diversity, accessibility.
2021: Online training Program with 75 participants enrolled with the topic
Integration of Gender in Policymaking, toolkit provided by IRI,
2020: – Online training Program with 50 participants enrolled
Integration of Gender in Policymaking, IRI toolkit: 4 training Days
-Nine Online Round Tables with political Parties, independent local councilors, and mayors on the topic Bullying and Gender-Based Violence in politics: challenges
and opportunities
2019 Women Leadership PoliticalAcademy, 2 days training with over 100 women from across all Political Parties
2013-2018 More than 350 women enrolled in the Women Leadership School accordingly the curriculum provided by IRI
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Center for Research and Policy Making – Network for Gender Responsive Budgeting
With funding from