The Employment Agency of Montenegro; The Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare; The Ministry of Justice, Human and Minorities Rights; the media and general public.
1. GRB Analysis of the expenditure of the Fund for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons With Disabilities;
2. Creation of the Policy brief;
3. Advocacy campaign;
4. Media and online campaign.
The project “For gender equality of persons with disabilities in area of work and employment” will last 8 months and will be implemented by the Initiative of Youth with Disabilities of Boka. It’s overall objective is: “To establish equality of women and men with disabilities in the access to employment in Montenegro.”.
It will be achieved through following activities: GRB Analysis of the expenditure of the Fund for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons With Disabilities; Creation of the Policy brief; Advocacy campaign; Media and online campaign.
The direct beneficiaries of the project are women with disabilities; Indirect beneficiaries are their families, public and private sector and the society in general.
The project is the sub-grant within the regional project “Gender Budget Watchdog Network”.
– Data on the expenditure of the Fund for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons With Disabilities, gathered and analyzed;
– Recommendations for decision makers, with concrete steps and activities for improvement of the expenditure of the Fund regarding achievement of gender equality in employment of persons with disabilities, defined;
– 60 copies of the policy Brief on GRB in employment of persons with disabilities (40 in Montenegrin and 20 in English language), printed and distributed;
– At least two meetings with decision makers, held and dialogue on GRB in area of employment of persons with disabilities, initiated;
– At least 2000 persons informed about inequality of women with disabilities in the area of work and employment.
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Center for Research and Policy Making – Network for Gender Responsive Budgeting
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