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Center for Economic and Rural Development (CERD) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, established with an aim to support continuous development of rural areas and improvement of the quality of life of the rural women and men.
Our beginnings go back to 1996 when, International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) a US-based international relief and development agency, started its operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2007, in order to preserve its presence in BiH, IOCC supported establishment of a local NGO called Agency for Cooperation, Education and Development (ACED) within which, a Department for Agriculture and Rural Development was formed and it was named as CARD (Center for Agriculture and Rural Development). In 2012, CARD was registered as an independent organization and profiled itself as a Center specialised for agriculture and rural development. Through further development and improvement, the Center extended its activities to local economic development and changed its name to Center for Economic and Rural Development – CERD. CERD bases its work on the principles of good and fair operations, accountability and transparency which all is introduced and instituted by our predecessor, a remarkable American organization IOCC.
CERD team consists of 6 staff, experienced people who are committed to principles of sustainable rural development. Thanks primarily to its staff, CERD follows its vision: to have a modern village, which offers the possibility of starting a business, of employment, a village that has good infrastructure and conditions for a fulfilling social life – a village in which not only would young people stay, but also one which would attract people from urban areas to come, work and live. Guided by this vision, CERD decided to relocate its headquarters to a rural area in the village Krnete, near Laktaši, where a newly reconstructed building serves as CERD’s office and Rural Educational Center.
Expressed in figures – CERD has supported more than 7,000 people in over 60 municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through the implementation of more than 35 projects.
We are focused on our final beneficiaries, who live from their work and who want to create value that can be passed on to future generations. Therefore, CERD works together with other organizations that are active in rural areas. In this way, a network of various stakeholders is created and a synergy between them formed, and all of it with the aim of more efficient utilisation of resources and achieving better results, of transferring good practices from the European Union and other parts of the world.
CERD is strong believer in gender equality and majority of our efforts are aimed at women empowerment in rural areas. CERD strives to become a leader in rural women networking in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Western Balkan region.
CERD is publisher of Agro PLANETA, the unique and the only domestic magazine in Bosnia and Herzegovina dedicated exclusively to themes in agriculture and rural development and which serves as excellent tool for advocacy and spreading of needs and voices of rural people.
CERD has established its own social enterprise Marketing and Export Center (MEC d.o.o.) with an aim to operate CERD’s organic farm and trademark brand called Domestica®. MEC and Domestica® are CERD’s invented mechanisms for local development based on organic agriculture practices and they present a platform for any other interested stakeholders to join and work together in socio-economic development of local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Everything we do is aimed at the rural population and revitalizing of countryside life. Our motto is “RURAL IS IN!” which we use as a message that villages have a lot of potential that needs to be used.
In accomplishing its mission, CERD adheres to the highest professional standards while ensuring full accountability to the public and its donors.
CERD core staff has a long history and experience of working with rural women in Bosnia and Herzegovina and CERD holds these references which prove that CERD is one of the pioneers in supporting rural women empowerment in BiH. In the previous period, CERD was engaged in building networks of women associations across BiH and from that perspective CERD decide to offer women organisations to become CERD members. Currently, CERD has 7 women organisations as members of CERD and in the following period will continue to expand its membership base with other women’s organisations and engage more in building network of rural women’s organisations across BiH.
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