Three Bosnian-Herzegovinian Sub grantees officially Sign the Contract with the Local GBWN Hub managed by Centre for Civil Society Promotion

On December 29th 2020, three Bosnian-Herzegovinian sub-grantees signed the contract with the local Gender Budget Watchdog Network hub – Centre for Civil Society Promotion. In an online event, the grantees signed the contracts and the implementation of their activities officially started. The CCSP staff introduced them to the main goals of the project in general, […]

1st edition of the GBWN Newsletter

Have a look at the summary of the so far implemented activities within the project “Gender Budget Watchdog Network in the Western Balkans and Republic of Moldova” in the first edition of the GBWN newsletter.   Read the newsletter here.

CRPM with own contribution to the public debate on the draft Law on Organic Budget

The Ministry of finance presented the draft Law on Budgets. CRPM contributed to the public debate. “The proposed Law on Budgets mentions gender responsive budgeting only in Article 3 where among the 11 budget principles, one of them regulates the principle of gender equality. It refers to the gender responsive budgeting as taking into consideration […]

The main purpose of the mid-term evaluation is to help CRPM and the local partners to assess progress of on-going intervention. As well for GBWN to learn from what works well and less well. The evaluation will be used to inform decisions on how project implementation may be adjusted and improved in the following project […]

Call for proposals for evaluation

The main purpose of the mid-term evaluation is to help CRPM and the local partners to assess progress of on-going intervention. As well for GBWN to learn from what works well and less well. The evaluation will be used to inform decisions on how project implementation may be adjusted and improved in the following project […]