
МРОБ е отворена за соработка и прием на нови членки кои се подготвени да се придружат кон нашата кауза за што поурамнотежено родово општество преку рамномерна распределба на јавните ресурси и скроени буџети и програми кои што ги препознаваат и земаат предвид различните потреби на жените и мажите. Нашата мрежа преставува мрежа од здруженија, проектни иницијативи, но и од поединечни стручни лица кои се подготвени со своето знаење и искуство да дадат придонес кон понатамошните заложби на МРОБ за вклучување на родово-одговорното буџетирање како редовна алатка и модул за планирање, извршување и известување за националните и општинските буџети.  На овој начин градиме синергија, препознатлива и со широк појас на делување, постигнувајќи поголеми успеси, но и поставувајќи повисоки цели.

За таа цел кликнете на: Регистрирај проект, oрганизација или експерт.


  • Gender and ICT

  • AO Keystone Moldova, ADA, SIDA
  • Moldova
  • 1 year
  • Target Groups

  • Five universities from Chisinau, Balti, Cahul

  • Main Activities

  • Study the existing policy documents (international and national legislation and regulations) and international and national studies in the field
    Analyze the existing statistical data at national level disaggregated by gender regarding the number of students in higher education institutions in the field of ICT
    Study from a gender perspective the action plans for 2018 and 2019 of the ministries and partner organizations involved and the budgets allocated for their implementation, focusing on: analysis of budget revenues; cost analysis, final beneficiaries analysis (especially women); cost-benefit analysis and / or budgetary impact assessment.
    Organize a conference for presentation of the monitoring report results and recommendations for improving policy design to address the needs of both women and men in ITC

  • Short Description

  • ITC is one of most important sector of economy of Republic of Moldova (contributes annually at the formation of GDP by about 11-12% 2019). Considering the demographic prevalence of women in the country and their bigger share among people with higher education, the women need to participate in all spheres of society and economic development, from executive phases to decision-making level. In the same time, the formation of digital competence is necessary to contribute to ITC-related productivity growth and development. Thus, ICT can be both a goal and tool for increasing participation of women in the society and in the workforce.
    Through this project, we aim to evaluate how public policies, budgets and the strategies of higher from Moldova contribute to increasing participation of women in the society and in the workforce through the formation of digital competence.

  • Achieved or to be Achieved Results

  • To evaluate how public policies, budgets and the strategies of higher institutions from Moldova contribute to increasing participation of women in the society and in the workforce through the formation of digital competence.
    • 1 monitoring report on the development of ITC skills
    • 1 advocacy event for improving policy design to address the needs of both women and men in ITC

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